Tuesday, November 13, 2018


BY: Virginia Wilkins
“What I love about your self help books is that the are truthful, informative, realistic, easy to read, gets to the point, and you share your experiences which give hope.  You do not exclude God, which is very important, because He is the real key to every part of one’s life.  Yet, you do not push Him on anyone… Even through a persons healing process, you give choice.  And I love the fact you are compassionate… the genuine concern for others to get help and heal… You express unconditional love and care in your books and it can be felt…  I have never read any books to be as warm, real, and full of compassion, that is really reaching out to the reader of your books… You pour your love into helping others.  I say you have truly found your passionate assignment from God, your purpose for being here, and all you went through… Your pleasing in the eyes of God… Continue to grow in Christ daily as you encourage others to accept life as it is and not give up on hope, faith, and very important themselves and others…  You encourage so many to hold on, and do more than survive but live…”

Learn more about my books now!

My Mental Madnesss Memoir

How to Survive Depression

How to Survive Bipolar Disorder

How to Survive Schizophrenia

How to Survive Anxiety

How to Survive Borderline Personality Disorder

How to Survive PTSD
