Thursday, February 1, 2018

Introducing "TODAY'S TOPIC"

Dear Blog Readers,

I will be posting weekly about different mental health topics.  Every Sunday I will post a blog on whatever mental health topics that my audience desires.  This could include any mental illness diagnosis, symptoms associated with your mental illness, treatment (therapy, meds, ECT) , recovery, skills for dealing with mental illness (exercise, stress reduction, diet, meditation), etc.  If you would like me to post about a certain topic, please comment here, or if you feel more comfortable you may send me a message through messenger (

I am dedicated to helping spread mental health awareness and ending all the stigma associated with it.  Please reach out to someone for help.  If you feel you can't trust anyone, I will be more than happy to lend a listening ear.

Hope everyone has a great weekend ahead!

Much Love to you all!

-Stephanie Anne Allen
Author of My Mental Madness Memoir